
Golf Day 2020

Thank you to all the golfers that came to support our annual golf event that was held at Mid Herts Golf Course on Wednesday 16th September. This year, due to COVID, we were not able to welcome everyone back in the evening for the dinner and prize giving celebrations that we normally have, but the generosity of these committed golfers meant that the event still managed to raise nearly £1,500! Thank you to everyone involved.  

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Ruth's Story

We want to share a heartwarming video about Ruth, one of our Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in Uganda. Ruth is an example of one of the 250+ CHPs we have trained and are supporting in Mbale, alongside our Health Clinic and Ambulance Outreach programmes.

We are very grateful to Phil Harvey, a world renowned Photographer/Filmmaker and one of our supporters, who volunteered his team's time to travel to Uganda to make this empowering video.

We hope Ruth's Story brings a smile to your face in these difficult times and reaffirms why you are supporting HSoA.

See more of Philip’s work at