
fighting the spread of coronavirus

Here is our Community Health Promoter Mutwailibu working at home making face masks for our staff in the clinic. The high quality material he is using was originally brought to Uganda for blacksolidier fly three years ago but has now found its purpose!

We are turning it into reusable masks to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

In the words of Richard Okotel who leads our team in Uganda: ‘The material is extremely good, one just needs to add soft tissues inside that will be properly disposed of and the mask steeped into soapy water, dried and ironed for reuse. Nothing compares to this mask!’

April Newsletter

Read our latest newsletter here

While you are reading it:

- imagine facing COVID-19 without the NHS
- imagine home schooling with no books, pens or computers
- imagine your children going hungry without their school lunch
- imagine waiting for the only ambulance to take you to hospital
- imagine the doctors and nurses wearing homemade PPE

This is Coronavirus in Mbale, Uganda. Please support us if you can.

Coronavirus Crisis


The speed and scale at which the pandemic has spread is truly concerning, not least for communities like those in Mbale whose health care systems are not as developed as our own. At the time of writing, there were 23 confirmed cases of coronovirus in Uganda and no reported deaths. We truly hope that these figures continue to remain low, but the threat of coronovirus highlights why - now more than ever - the Health Projects that we support are so important in these communities.

We truly hope that every one of you remains safe and well throughout this period of uncertainty and we look forward, with hope, to being reunited at one of our future events.