
Quiz Night is a huge success!

Did you come to our amazing Quiz night? Why was it amazing?

Well, it was a total sell out with a waiting list of 30; Godfreys fish and chips were tasty and fresh; everyone had great fun with questions just hard enough to tax us from the fabulous Ginny; but the really amazing bit is that we made a profit of £1,700!

This will make a huge difference to so many lives in Uganda.

Thank you to all who came and gave so generously and also to our wonderful Events Team!

Lord Popat Visits Uganda


We're honoured to have had Lord Popat visit our projects on his recent visit to Uganda. Lord Popat is the UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda and was visiting it to strengthen trade between the two countries.

Click here to read more about his official visit Whilst he was in Musoto, Lord Popat officially opened our recently completed Tailoring and Design Centre. Construction of this building was only made possible thanks to your generosity in last year's Christmas Appeal 'Empowering Ugandan Women Health Volunteers' and the significant financial contribution made by the Proctor & Gamble Alumni Foundation.

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