Why not buy an alternative gift?

It's often hard to think of a memorable gift for a loved one on a special occasion. By giving them one of our alternative gifts, you can make a huge difference to the lives of people in extreme need.

We now have nearly 200 active Community Health Promoters reaching a population of around 15,000 people.  Until we are able to complete our planned clinic, they provide the only primary medical care in most of the villages in Bukasakya subcounty.

Here are some examples of what your money could buy:

£10 - buys an HSoA CHP uniform.

£15 - buys a medical kit containing first aid equipment and basic medicines.

£24 - buys wet weather gear incorporating a raincoat, umbrella, wellingtons and a wind-up torch ensuring the CHPs can work during the rainy season.

£65 - buys a bicycle to allow our CHP's to cover neighbouring communities more efficiently.

£300 - buys 6 months Health Training to create a new CHP.

£5000 - funds one village CHP programme for 50 volunteers for 6 months.

Alternatively, £1000 pays a year's salary for a primary school teacher, and £5000 will enable a new borehole to be drilled, bringing a reliable supply of clean water to hundreds of people.

Whatever your interest, HSoA can help you get involved.
